An odd little blog about Agent Rhinestone and her BFF's.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

File #114

So... It seems as though Agent Rhinestone went through another one of those phases where she forgot to blog. I think it's because she really freaked herself out by changing her blog header. She really hates the look of how self-congratulatory it is. So please expect it to change like today.

In other news...
Something so weird has been happening in Agent Rhinestone's kitchen. There are birds living in the old vent/fan thingy. They are making babies in there or something. The birds are very active in the morning and sometimes Agent Rhinestone has to knock on the vent/fan thingy and tell them to shush!

see bird home below:

So... here's where it gets weird. Nobody believes that Agent Rhinestone has a bird family living in her kitchen. The birds have only made noise for 1 other person...Ultra. He came over to borrow Agent Rhinestone's french press the other morning and heard the birds being quite "active" in there. Nobody else has heard the birds. Agent Rhinestone's landlord won't even call her back. She tried to whittle the wood around the vent and pry it open but she has the upper body strength of a kitten. She was left bereft and panting after scraping at the area with a tiny bread knife. Besides.... what would she do if she did get the vent/fan thingy open. Maybe she could just tell the birds that they'd probably be much happier making babies in a green leafy tree or in a pink flowering bush.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

File #113 Daily Candy!

The Heavenly Spies in Daily Candy's weekend guide!

Plastique Couture Cabaret
What: Award-winning dance troupe The Heavenly Spies takes it off in mod revue of outlandish fashion, acrobatics, contemporary dance, and high-kicking hijinks.
Why: Hot couture.
When: Fri. & Sat., 7:30 & 10:30 p.m. Apr. 10-May 30, Fri., 10:30 p.m.
Where: Can Can, 92 Pike St., Pike Place Market (206-652-0832). Tickets online at
Agent Rhinestone is just tickled pink! She loves Daily Candy! Sigh. Swoon.