An odd little blog about Agent Rhinestone and her BFF's.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

File #29 Mamma Rhinestone...

#1 Mamma Rhinestone is Agent Rhinestone's Mother. She often smells like white shoulders perfume and rose oil.

#2 She was once a belly dancer named "Mimosa." She made her own fancy beaded bras and twirling circle skirts.

#3 She used to have a red bicycle named Dorothy.

#4 She now drives a green car that she calls "Picklette." (She bought Picklette to match the trim of her house.)

#5 One time in a restaurant called "The Moon of Tunis"...she did a fancy belly dance back bend and got her earring stuck to her ankle bracelet. An entourage of her admirers had to help set her free.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG. My mother is "the rhinestone cowgirl".

inevitably they'd be friends.

